Application purpose and introduction

CRO’s, diagnostic and other life science companies get a lot of different samples every day and don’t have the chance to combine every specific type of sample on 1 plate. Due to logistics, standardizing the intake of samples therefore is very challenging. Samples of different matrices / species often wind up combined on 1 plate. Data management systems like LIMS can track the sample locations and what assays need to be performed on each individual sample. Reformatting diverse sample plates to assay specific plates is a labour intensive and focus demanding task that has a high risk for errors. 

In another Application note: 'Reformat/hit picking system' we have written about all the benefits of standardizing and automating hitpicking. In underneath application we describe the increase of deck capacity and what it is used for.

Application purpose

This application is designed to help increase the throughput by increasing the plate capacity of the total system. By an increasing amount of samples the previous system didn’t have the capacity to process enough plates. In the previous case the system was being used in the afternoon and ran during the night, it usually ended around 03:00. By increasing the capacity for plates for this system, it can be run until 07:00, maximizing the total throughput. The combination of assay requests by sample in LIMS, transferring the samples from plate hotels to a liquid handler and combining samples to the correct assay plate increases reliability, throughput, flexibility and optimal use of personnel. Therefore, automated hit picking and reformatting frees up time and will avoid human errors. 

Why you should choose for an increase of capacity

If a system can’t process the demand for tests and/or samples it can be upgraded. The system is never limited to its current set-up. Such an upgrade could persist of adding more instruments like liquid handlers, dispensers, plate hotels, incubators, analytical equipment etc. For the systems we provide upgrading can always be done. In the main design of a system an extra capacity could be build in, this could be useful if the throughput of assays will increase in the future. If future expansions are directly on the horizon a system can be prepared for upgrades, this makes upgrading the system a less time consuming process.
Key features
  • Reliable: reproducible results and minimal cross contamination
  • Time-efficient: walkaway solution (overnight)
  • Traceable: integrated barcode readers provide full traceability
  • Precise: avoids human pippetting errors
  • High capacity: a lot of plates can be processed