Combining CyBio FeliX with the CyBio FeliX SELECT Head, opens new possibilities for one of the world‘s most compact and powerful pipettors. Specifically designed with key liquid handling technologies to execute hit picking and normalization applications in SLAS/ANSI standard labware format, the CyBio FeliX SELECT Head covers the required volume ranges with the utmost precision.
The CyBio FeliX SELECT Head offers:
- Flexibility for quantification, normalization and diluting applications
- Up to 8 channels can be raised and lowered in chosen combination
- Individual transfer speeds and volumes per channel
- Full compatibilty with CyBio FeliX systems
The proven interchangable pipetting heads are the core of the CyBio FeliX liquid handling performance. Select the CyBio FeliX SELECT Head for dedicated applications requiring up to eight parallel single channel transfers.
Technical Data

* In order to reach every well of a microplate within applications like hit picking, the CyBio FeliX system has to be equipped with an dedicated random access adapter (order number OL3317-11-290), combining deck positions 1 and 4 or 2 and 5 to one deckposition.
** All precision specifications are based on the standard absorbance measurement procedure as described in the pipetting head manual and depending on the selected pipetting head and tip type. For further details see also the respective application note on
Typical Applications carried out with the CyBio FeliX SELECT Head